Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Yolk's On Me...

Wow, do I ever have egg on my face...well, not really...my son had a bug last week and guess what...the nurse always gets it! And I've got it...absolute energy drain...it's amazing, I can't seem to stay awake for more than 10 minutes at a time...

The thing is,  we're so used to feeling great ALL the time now, that when I am sick as I am today, and I feel dopey and lacking in energy, it's a really huge difference! I'm not sure that I would have even noticed this as much before

So, I did tons of research and material acquisition today, paperwork etc...between naps, that is, and ate bits and pieces but no actual meal to speak of...I'll give you my recipe for THE best scrambled eggs ever, as that's what I had for 'dinner' with a piece of whole grain toast and several cups of tea...it's not exactly culinary genius but they are good scrambled eggs...

Then, I'm off to bed with my hot water bottle, hopefully to feel better tomorrow...the kidlet was feeling gross for 2 days and this is my second day of feeling off so hopefully tomorrow I'll feel more up and at 'em!

Scramble High Score

Eggs, as many as desired, in a saucepan, NOT a frying pan.
1/2 tsp butter per egg
1/2 tsp milk per egg
salt and pepper to taste

Over medium heat, stir the eggs, milk, butter, salt and pepper together without beating the eggs.

Once the whites aren't clear, near the bottom of the pot, give it a stir every minute or so until you have a gorgeous fluffy mixture.  Remove from the heat BEFORE they seem quite ready, and do what you need to do with toast and tea, letting the eggs finish up in the pot, then serve...awesome, fluffy, soft, moist scrambled eggs...a personal favourite of the kidlet. True comfort food.

If you cook them too long over the heat, til they look like they're actually ready while still on the burner, they tend to overcook while resting for any time in the pot.

Simplest recipe on the planet but I have had so many simply horrid scrambled eggs! Especially in restaurants and once had them cooked for me in an aluminum pan. GRAY eggs...awful things...

Good night, all, my hot water bottle beckons....

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