Thursday, January 14, 2010

Trailmix Park Boys

Hey all, I missed a day! Argh! I have been feeling grossly under the weather and so I've been pretty much sleeping and working and sleeping, feeling pretty gross...

I felt pretty good this morning, up and at 'em, and then my first client of the day had THREE cats that I didn't know about til I got there, so although I left there at 12:30pm and it's now 11pm, I'm still sniffling and having trouble with my stupid asthma...argh! Normally if I know ahead of time that a client has a cat or cats, I'll take a Reactine before I go..

SO, anyhoo, I went to Bulk Barn and got the bits and pieces for another wierd trail mix...I like to take small bags of this on the road so if you get the munchies you can have this instead of being tempted to stop...a half a cup of this and an apple is a nice's different every time but this is the latest version...

Trailmix Park Boys  -  Version 1

1 c virginia peanuts
1 c cashew pieces
1 c pumpkin seeds
1 c south african golden raisins
2 c multigrain pretzel bites
4 c Kashi Go Lean Crunch
1/2 c. peanut butter chips, mini ones

Just mix it and can make it out of anything you want, but we like to have nuts, something salty, something sweet, and something with a different texture ( raisins, currants, no sugar added Craisins, stuff like that.. )  the sweet goes with the salty and it all works together really well...and if you have a sweet craving, it satisfies it without eating a pile of sugar.

So that's it.....good night, faithful readers! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!  And Dad, if you're reading this, I hope your weather is better than ours, freezing rain and snow tomorrow, YUK!

Bye! Amy

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